马琳·坎加(Marlene Kanga)
马琳·坎加(Marlene Kanga)员佐勋章获得者,澳大利亚技术科学与工程学院荣誉院士,澳大利亚工程师协会荣誉会士,英国化学工程师协会荣誉会士
Marlene Kanga博士是一位化学工程师,同时也是世界工程组织联合会(WFEO)的主席。世界工程组织联合会是全球所有工程组织的最高机构,拥有大约100个工程组织成员以及3000万工程师会员。她曾于2013年出任澳大利亚工程师协会主席。
Marlene Kanga博士:我的父亲是一名电气和机械工程师,也是印度实现独立时第一批学习从事工程学并毕业的一员。因此,他担任了许多政府高级职位,领导了包括道路、电信、供水系统和印度各地机场在内的基础设施的发展。他总是让我参与他的工作以及改善人们生活的科学和工程中。因此,我从小就一直对科学和数学感兴趣。
Marlene Kanga博士:女孩需要从各个层面来理解科学,科普书籍是一种方式但不是唯一的。科学书籍需要更有趣来吸引年轻女孩的兴趣。例如,在澳大利亚,作为澳大利亚工程师全国工程女性委员会主席,我制作了一张DVD——《the A to Z of engineering》。在DVD里面,女工程师从航空工程(A)谈论到化学工程(C)等。例如,我们谈到了化学工程在食品工业、化妆品工业中的作用 - 生产指甲油,头发化学品等。美发有很多化学反应,以此来引起女孩对化学的兴趣。
Marlene Kanga博士:我最喜欢的书之一是澳大利亚作家Neville Shute写的,名为《No Highway》。这是一本寓言故事书,讲述了一个非常严肃的“书呆子”工程师如何利用他在材料工程和金属工程方面的知识来拯救失事飞机的故事。这位工程师是意想不到的英雄,是一位依靠“智慧”和“知识”成就的英雄。这本书启迪了我,让我觉得去了解科学对每个人来说都很重要。
4知力记者:您是如何保持对职业生涯的热情? 青少年应该如何专注于某个领域?
Marlene Kanga博士:一是找到你喜欢做的事情,这非常重要。如果你有幸这样做,你将发现能量和激情比你能做的更多,当然结果会让你更爱你所做的更多......二是为终身学习做好准备,这在快速变化的技术世界中也很重要。有人曾经说过,未来一个人的一生可能会从事7项以上不同的职业,所以你要学会不断学习、不断适应。
5知力记者:您在研究期间参加过任何科普活动吗? 是什么动力促使您参与其中的?
Marlene Kanga博士:公民科学是让儿童和青少年参与科学研究的重要途径,澳大利亚有许多推广科学的计划。例如,在悉尼,我们有天文学日,公民可以观测星空。在过去两年中,普通公民已经帮助收集了有关行星和恒星的大量数据,甚至发现了新的超新星,并且已经产生了调整宇宙年龄的数据!大堡礁研究人员也让公民参与,帮助他们识别各种珊瑚和鱼类。这有助于增加数据收集的资源并教育公民。
Marlene Kanga博士:科学和工程学是非常赋权的学科,它们为你提供“力量”能够找到解决世界上最困难问题的方法。你将学习如何使用科学的第一原理分析问题并开发解决方案。一旦你学会了这一点,它永远不会被其他人带走。这是终身的资产,它可以用来创造一个更美好的世界。
采访结束,马琳·坎加(Marlene Kanga)博士
“I encourage all girls and boys
to learn more about science,
technology and engineering.
This will give you the skills and
the powerto make a better world.”
1)How to find and cultivate interest in science at a young age?
My father was an electrical and mechanical engineer and one of the first to graduate in engineering at the time India achieved Independence. He held many senior government positons as a result, leading the development of infrastructure including roads, telecommunications, water supply systems and airports around India. He always involved me in his work and the results of science and engineering in improving the lives of people. Thus I was always interested in science and mathematics from a very young age.
2)What do you think about the importance for young people, especially young girls to read popular science books?
Girls need to be involved in understanding science at all levels. Popular science books are one way but there are many others. The science books need to appeal to young girls and their interests. For example, in Australia, as Chair of Engineers Australia national committee for women in engineering, I produced a DVD – the A to Z of engineering which had women engineers talk about engineering from aeronautics (A) to chemical (C) etc. For chemical engineering we talked about the role of chemical engineering in the food industry, in the cosmetics industry – producing nail polish, hair chemicals and so on. There is a lot of chemistry in hairdressing and it can be used to create interest in chemistry for girls.
Importantly women in particular want to make a positive impact in the world. Science is the way to may an impact, you are given the scientific methods to develop solutions for positive change. This is empowering and this is how girls will be interested.
3)Do you have a favorite popular science magazine or scientist when you were young?
One of my favorite books was by Neville Shute, an Australian author called "No Highway". It was about a very serious nerdy engineer who used his knowledge about materials engineering and metal fatigue to save people who are involved in an airplane incident. This engineer was the unexpected hero. I enjoyed the fact that the nerdy person was the hero. I think I wanted to be like that!
4)How did you keep enthusiasm for your career? How should teenagers keep their focus on a certain field?
It's very important to find what you love to do. If you are fortunate enough to do so, you will find the energy and passion to do much more than you are capable of and of course the results will make you love what you do even more… It's also important in a rapidly changing world of technology to be ready for lifelong learning. This may go into many different fields. They say that teenagers today will have six of seven careers before they retire. It's important to develop core skills both technical and personal, that can be applied in many different situations.
5)Did you participate inany science popularization campaign during your research?Whatmade you do that?
Citizen science is an important way to engage children and young people in science and there are many programs to popularize science in Australia. For example, in Sydney we have astronomy days where citizens can search the skies. In the last two years, ordinary citizens have helped to collect a lot of data on the planets and stars and have even discovered new supernovae and have produced data that has adjusted the age of the universe!
The Great Barrier Reef researchers are also engaging citizens to help them to identify various coral and fish species. This serves to increase the resources for data collection and also educate citizens.
6)Knowledge is Powermagazine has attracted numerous young readers who love science. Can you share with us your expectations of these young readers?
Science and engineering are very empowering disciplines. They provide you with the “force" the ability to find solutions to the world's most difficult problems. You learn how to analyze problems and develop solutions using the first principles of science. Once you learn this, it can never be taken from you. It's a lifelong asset. It can be used to make a better world.