伪虎鲸全长4.9-5.1米;重量1200-2200公斤。 伪虎鲸全身的体色均为黑色。头圆、口大,口裂朝着眼睛的方向切入,没有喙,上颌比下颌略微前突。背鳍比虎鲸小,鳍肢很尖,长度约为体长的1/10,向后显著弯曲,前缘中部突出,末端尖。尾鳍的宽度约为体长的1/5。伪虎鲸体型和虎鲸类似,因此得名,但是它们并非近亲。
生态习性Ecological Habit
伪虎鲸喜群居,几十、几百甚至几千头一群,同伴间眷恋性很强,很少单独活动。也会攻击大翅鲸仔鲸。在伪虎鲸群体里有时会分成较小的组或家族,平均18头为一组(通常为10至30)。 家族型包括所有年龄段的雄性和雌性伪虎鲸。
The false killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) is a cetacean, and the third-largest member of the oceanic dolphin family (Delphinidae). It lives in temperate and tropical waters throughout the world. As its name implies, the false killer whale shares characteristics, such as appearance, with the more widely known killer whale. Like the killer whale, the false killer whale attacks and kills other cetaceans, but the two species do not belong to the same genus.
The false killer whale has not been extensively studied in the wild; much of the data about it have been derived by examining stranded animals.