▲1.A view of Andersonville Prison, Georgia, on August 17, 1864. Andersonville was an infamous Confederate Prisoner-of-war camp, where nearly 13,000 of its approximately 45,000 Union prisoners died in brutal conditions, suffering from starvation, disease, and abuse from their captors. (LOC) #
▲2.Union prisoners draw their rations in this view from main gate of Andersonville Prison, Georgia, on August 17, 1864. (NARA) #
▲3.Dead horses surround the damaged Trostle House, results of the Battle of Gettysburg, in July of 1863. Union general Major General Daniel Sickles used the farmhouse as a headquarters and Union and Confederate troops fought among the farm buildings during the fierce battle. (LOC) #
毁坏的农舍外一地死马,1863年7月,葛底斯堡战役期间, 联邦军Daniel Sickles少将以此农舍作为指挥部,是次血腥战役中双方部队在农场的建筑物中发生战斗。
▲4.An execution in Washington, D.C., on November 10, 1865. Henry Wirz, former commander of the Confederate prisoner of war camp near Andersonville, Georgia, was tried and hung after the war for conspiracy and murder related to his command of the notorious camp. (LOC) #
1865年,华府的一次死刑,Henry Wirz是乔治亚州Andersonville的战俘营指挥官,战后,以这个臭名昭著的战俘营里以和他有关的一系列谋杀的罪名判处绞刑。
▲5.African Americans prepare cotton for a cotton gin on Smith's plantation, Port Royal Island, South Carolina, in 1862. (AP Photo/Library of Congress/Timothy H. O'Sullivan) #
非裔美国人为工厂的弹棉机准备棉花,1862年,南卡,Port Royal Island。
▲6.Officers of the 69th Infantry New York, at Fort Corcoran, Virginia, with Col. Michael Corcoran. (Mathew Brady/NARA) #
纽约第69步兵团的军官和Michael Corcoran上校(图中的是传说中的葡萄弹咩?)
▲7.A Federal encampment on the Pamunkey River, Cumberland Landing, Virginia, in May of 1862 (Alexander Gardner/LOC) #
1862年5月,佛州,帕忙基河Cumberland Landing的一处联邦军营地。
▲8."A harvest of death", a famous scene from the aftermath of the Battle of Gettysburg, in Pennsylvania, in July of 1863 (Timothy H. O'Sullivan/LOC) #
▲9.Federal cavalry at Sudley Ford, Virginia, following the battle of First Bull Run, in March of 1862. (George N. Barnard/LOC) #
佛州,在Sudley Ford的联邦骑兵,1862年3月第一次牛奔之战后。
▲10.Petersburg, Virginia, the first Federal army wagon train entering the town in April of 1865. (John Reekie/LOC) #
▲11.Union forces of Benson's Battery in the Battle of Seven Pines stand guard in the fighting against Gen. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson's Confederate troops at Fair Oaks, near Richmond, Virginia. The battle, also called Fair Oaks, took place on May 31 and June 1, 1862. (AP Photo/Mathew B. Brady) #
七松之役中,联邦军Benson炮兵连的士兵在佛州里士满附近的Fair Oaks抵御石墙杰克逊的南军,是役发生于1862年5月31日到6月1日。
▲12.Confederate dead lie among rifles and other gear, behind a stone wall at the foot of Marye's Heights near Fredericksburg, Virginia on May 3, 1863. Union forces penetrated the Confederate lines at this point, during the Second Battle of Fredericksburg. (Mathew Brady/NARA) #
1863年5月3日,佛吉尼亚州弗雷德里克斯堡的Marye's Heights山脚,一堵石墙后,躺在步枪和其他装备中的邦联阵亡者,在第二次弗雷德里克斯堡战役中,联邦军于此处突破了邦联的防线。
▲13.The Federal Ironclad Galena, after recent action with Confederate batteries at Drewry's Bluff, on Virginia's James River, ca. 1862. (James F. Gibson/LOC) #
佛州詹姆斯河上,刚与Drewry's Bluff和邦联炮兵交战后的联邦铁甲舰Galena号。
▲14.Interior of a ward of Washington D.C.'s Harewood General Hospital in 1864. Harewood opened in September 1862 and closed in May 1866, after the end of the war. (LOC) #
▲15.White House Landing, on the Pamunkey river, Virginia. The site was a major Union Army Supply Base in 1862 ,during the Peninsula Campaign. (LOC) #
佛州帕芒基河上的White House登陆场,是1862年半岛行动期间联邦军的主要供应基地。
▲16.A black Union soldier sits, posted in front of a slave auction house on Whitehall Street in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1864. The sign reads "Auction & Negro Sales". View a closeup detail of this image here. (George N. Barnard/LOC) #
1864年乔治亚州亚特兰大,一个黑人联邦士兵坐在Whitehall Street一座奴隶拍卖行门前。