电影爱乐之城《La La Land》

先别鸡冻,此La La并非彼拉拉。“La La”在这里是洛杉矶Los Angeles的简称。所以“La La Land”虽然官方译作《爱乐之城》,但是字面意思应该是“洛杉矶爱情故事”吧。


However, 今年的美国的影视颁奖季,歌舞剧《La La Land》有如黑马,脱缰而出,金球奖7提7中,奥斯卡的提名14项,追平《泰坦尼克号》的历史记录。


看完之后决定隆重安利一发:影片的cast很用心,主角担当是高司令Ryan Gosling是石头姐Emma Stone这两个文艺片男神女神。Plus,导演是《爆裂鼓手》(这个电影在另一篇文章中安利过)的暗黑系编剧Damien Chazelle!

Damien Chazelle

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以下是IMDB上最有诚意的storyline, 写得很精妙,一起来精读学习吧,顺便提升下托福写作段位吧:

In Hollywood, Mia and Sebastian are struggling tomake it(成功只会用success吧) in theirrespective(各自的;注意和respectful的区别) careers, about which each has extreme passion. Mia is an actress who moved from small town Nevada and dropped out of college five years ago to pursue her dream. Sheis enamored withold time Hollywood - the movies on which she grew up - but hates the cattle herding feeling of going on auditions, and her belief that she needs to schmooze at social events to get ahead in the business. Sebastian is a jazz pianist, his style of jazzin the vein of(一脉相承的) traditionalists like Charlie Parker and Thelonious Monk. He wants to do his part to preserve that tradition, especially as he knows that that style of music is dying. Hehas trouble emotionally playing(have trouble doing sth) music he doesn't like just to get a paying gig. His dream is to open his own jazz club, most specifically in what used to be a famous jazz club that has since been converted to a tapas bar cum salsa dance club. Partly because of their individual struggles and partly because of the situations, their initial couple of chance meetings are antagonistic ones. But they eventually become attracted to each other largely because of thepassion each sees in the other for what he/she is striving for in life(写作文时敢把passion和for隔得这么远吗). However, there are many obstacles to a Mia/Sebastian happily ever after. They may be able to endure the life of a struggling artist for so long before those strugglestake their toll(产生负面影响). The pursuit of their individual dreams may take all their energies, with nothing left for their relationship. And any compromise each may make in getting ahead may change the person with whom each has fallen in love.

电影前面的谈情说爱和歌舞表演都很艺术,但是最吸引我的绝对还是结尾。The ending is what can really make or break a movie. This one makes it 10 times better. It goes away from the predictable musical ending whilewrapping up(圆满完成) the movie in fellow swoop,opening the audiences' eyes to the entire meaning of the story, beyond the theme of follow your dreams.(这两层的状语连用得很漂亮) The idea that dreams are possible when you are willing tostrive for(为...奋斗) them, but life isn't your own la la land. Everything does not end perfectly.(“la la land” 是 Los Angeles 洛杉矶的别称。)



总之,2017年的《La La Land》,值得一刷~

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