每一年的球鞋圈都会有一些大事让我们记住,也有些大事我们参与其中。比如Yeezy 350 V2发售时你有没有发动几十个小伙伴帮你抢鞋?比如大灌篮时候天津的小伙伴有没有去赤峰道排长队?再比如一些天价球鞋的拍卖让我等无产阶级望而生畏。。。
作为首双自动系带的市售球鞋,HyperAdapt 1.0 除了可以自动完成系鞋带的动作,酷炫的 LED 灯光装置,丰富的包装配件,均成为它引人注目的亮点!发售价 $720 美元已经成为历史,目前 eBay 四倍于原价的炒卖价格,也使其步入“天价”球鞋的殿堂。
2016 版本的 Nike MAG 屡创拍卖新高则成为广大 Sneakerhead 见面时热议的话题。当我以为 81 万港币就已经无法理喻时,在 11 月 12 日纽约的最后一次拍卖,这双吸金翘楚最终以 20 万美金(折合 155 万港币)的价格成交,成为历史上最贵的球鞋之一。
其实球鞋经济及球鞋的二手市场早已经从sneaker head最开始的地下文化发展成了体量颇大的经济模式,过去一年在美国就有900万双球鞋被转手,销售额高达12亿美元,球鞋经济产生的数据也已经被用于电商导向和保险理财。
正如Josh Luber在TED演讲《为球鞋疯狂》所讲:
“And the top investment banks in the world now use resell data to analyze the retail footwear industry. And here is the best part: sneakerheads have sneaker portfolios. Sneaker heads can track the value of their collection over time, compare to others, and have access to the same analytics you might have for your online brokerage account. At the asset level, he can see gain-loss by shoe.”
“So an unregulated 1.2 billion dollar industry that thrives as much on the street as it does online, and has spawned fundamental financial services for sneakers? So two comparison came to my mind. Are sneakers more like stocks or drugs? ”
It is marketing!!!
For 15 years Nike has propped up an artificial commodities market, with a Facebook- level hyped IPO every single weekend.
What if there was a stock market for commerce? A stock market of things. And not only could you buy in a much more educated and efficient manner, but you could engage in all the sophisticated financial transactions you can with the stock market, shorts and options and futures. And maybe you see where this is going. Maybe you want to invest in a stock market of things.