最近呢,美剧圈里又一个喜大普奔的消息:漫威这个老朋友最近又翻拍了一部年代久远,情怀满满的超级英雄电影——《奇异博士》(Doctor Strange),目前IMDB评分8.0。
确实,电影票房一路领先,看完后绝对让人感叹值回票价,而且片尾的彩蛋也会让你猛然间感悟到:漫威这是在下一盘大棋啊。无论你是漫威粉,科幻发烧友,卷福迷,还是单纯地想看视觉炫酷的大片,来看这部电影都是绝佳的选择~~ 以及,腐女同志们也可以做好心理准备,看到卷福最后的结局,相信你们会替花生松一口气的。
总体来说,这是一个主角光环MAX的修仙故事:一个才华横溢的牛X外科医生Doc. Strange (叫这个名字也是很醉人),平时在医院里自恃自己技术高超,谁也不放在眼里。
有一天,他开着兰博基尼上了盘山路,可是无意间看了一眼手机,导致车毁人也差点亡。 当他被从死神手里拽回来的时候,手已经被穿了无数的固定钢钉,基本不能从事啥精密劳动了。【这件事情告诉我们:开兰博基尼的时候不要玩手机!】
医生Doc. Strange倾家荡产也没治好这双手,绝望之际听到路人讲到了神秘的东方力量,于是不远万里来到尼泊尔拜门求师习武。经过大师提点猛然悟道,Doc. Strange进入秘境修习数月,偶然习得师门秘籍宝典。然而前不久自家师兄窃得宝典背叛师门,随时准备发动反革命。
与此同时,Doc. Strange进步神速,不出数月即出神入化,一路上获得各种屠龙宝刀,打怪装备,一下就把师兄弟甩在后面,成为师门第一扛把子。在坏师兄们来挑衅时,Doc. Strange以一当十,分分钟教做人。
在此之后,Doc. Strange进一步发现师父的阴谋论,于是仍然心存困惑,其心不纯,常有动摇。然而,在师兄的反动攻势下,师父牺牲并死前谆谆善诱几言提点,Doc. Strange再度悟道,修得顶级秘术,斩杀反派boss【脑补画外音:卡在time loop里面就放弃抵抗的大boss是不是太弱鸡了一点?】,成为新一代掌门。
1.Which of the following activities do you prefer to do with friends .1, taking a walk 2, going to a movie 3, traveling to another city.
2.Describe a character in a book, film, or poem, and explain why you like it.
3.Which is your favorite type of movie: action, drama, or others? Please include specific details and examples in your explanation.
The movie I like most is one of Marvel series- Doctor Strange. For me, it is really an incredible mind trip. The movie tells us the story of a successful, talented, arrogant neurosurgeon-Doctor Strange. One day, a tragic car accident leaves Strange's hands permanently damaged, which means he can no longer perform surgery. After trying western medicine, he hears of a man who was badly injured and then got miraculously healed. He then heads North to find the secrets of a hidden world of alternate dimensions. Under the teaching and guidance of the Ancient One, Strange unleashes metaphysical abilities and ultimately takes on the responsibility of protecting earth from mystical threats. The theme of this movie resonates with me and deepens my understanding of life, which is to think about the greater good instead of one’s personal interest. Also, the breathtaking visual effect really opens my eye and exposes me to a mind-blowing world. For me, watching Doctor Strange is indeed an exceptional mind trip.